For long students have been using printed college guides.Unigo is a free student platform and college resource guide.
It covers over 1,600 colleges and universities in the US.
This online resource can be found on Unigo web-site used by college student to share photographs,videos,documents and reviews made by them.Unigo web-site is useful gizmo for parents and student to explore college option.Unigo's main purpose is to generate a student-generated online college guide that allows students to update school information on a continous basis and cover topics not present in traditional guidebooks.
Frank Sica,director of Northstar Real estate and Carl Hamann,co-founder of ConsumerSearch backed Unigo project.Jordan Goldman, a 2004 graduate of Wesleyan University came up with the idea after publishing a bestselling college guidebook.The company was launched by 18 college graduates.
Jordan Goldman at the age of 17,was unable to find any college search that answered his questions.
This inspired Goldman to generate a student-generated college guide after his own college admissions process was examined by New York Times reporter Jacques Steinberg for a nonfiction book on higher schooling called The Gatekeeper.
Goldman started working on how to wite a book.Searched google,penned and mailed several packages to four publishers in the US.Penguin books agreed to produce a book series based on this idea.Goldman's first Students' Guide to Colleges became one of the top four best-selling college guidebooks in America.Goldman found print book was limited and prohibitive medium.This time he's something different in store and planned to take advantage of the world wide web.
With no bussiness background and actual job,he began writing his business plan.Seven years after his student writtenn guide-book,he was able raise several million dollars from private investors and launch
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